LETTER: Sackett-Gable, Callahan & Meyer Have Experience & Fortitude for BOE


3 of 9 seats on the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Ed are up for a vote. Election Day is November 7.

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The South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education election takes place on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Three of nine seats are up for election. Three candidates filed to run by the July deadline and appear on the ballot: Shayna Sackett-Gable, Liz Callahan and Will Meyer. Two candidates, Jeff Bennett and Anthony Mazzocchi, announced a write-in campaign on October 7. Village Green is posting letters of support for all candidates: Deadline for submission is October 31 at 5 p.m. Read our guidelines here. Read all our election coverage here

I’m Beth Cosentino. I live in Maplewood with my husband Rob and our two children who attend Clinton and Maplewood Middle School. I have been a longtime volunteer in the school district and am in my second term as the President of the SOMSD Special Education Parent Advisory Committee: SEPAC SOMA. I’m the Project Coordinator for SPAN Parent Advisory Network’s New Jersey Tiered System of Support-Early Reading Project and a Parent Group Specialist for their START-Engaging Parents of Students with Disabilities Project.

I am endorsing the Together We Thrive candidates: Shayna Sackett-Gable, Liz Callahan and Will Meyer for Board of Education because I believe that all three candidates have the experiences and fortitude that would make them well-suited as board of education members at this time. I am pleased that all three stepped up to run for this important role in our school district.

First, Shayna Sackett-Gable. I had the privilege of being a member of the Presidents’ Council during Shayna’s tenure as the lead Co-President during the 2022-2023 school year. I saw first-hand, both during the meetings with Dr. Taylor and in written communication with fellow council members, how she led with expertise, grace and diplomacy. If elected, Shayna has an understanding of our district as a former teacher that will give the board a much-needed voice and perspective. She also has a true appreciation of special education and special education teachers as someone who worked side-by-side with one in an inclusion classroom for eight of her thirteen years of teaching. I believe her dedication to the students of our district is evident in everything she does and has been doing since teaching at Seth Boyden to being the Ex-Officio on Presidents’ Council.

Next, Liz Callahan. When I have spent time talking with Liz, I recognize not only how knowledgeable she is around special education but how well-grounded and warm she is when sharing her perspective. Her training and experience as a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) gives her a keen understanding of people’s behaviors and motivation which will make her an exceptional and unique board member. As a parent of an autistic daughter who requires a Behavioral Intervention Plan, I not only appreciate the work that Liz does, but I also deeply respect the level of commitment she has to helping disabled children. If elected, Liz’s presence on the board would provide a strong knowledgeable voice for students of our district, especially those who are marginalized.

Finally, Will Meyer. Anyone who is paying attention knows that Will gives his heart, soul and time to the students of our district; he is literally everywhere all the time doing the work. I have had the distinct pleasure to work alongside him over the last 10 months on the SEPAC SOMA board, after he was appointed to his position of Vice President of Policy Initiatives in January 2023. Many conversations later, I can fully get behind him being elected to the board of education because I recognize his motivation: the students and what will help them succeed. Bringing his experience as an attorney and understanding the law, he looks at problems and situations from all angles and listens openly to ideas. If elected, Will’s perseverance to do the work that needs to be done for the students will make him an exceptional board member.

The Together We Thrive candidates are each going to bring what our district needs: knowledge, experience, and a strong commitment to all of our students. I encourage you to join me in voting for them!

Beth Cosentino
Maplewood, NJ

Note: Cosentino is writing as a parent/resident/community member and not on behalf of SEPAC SOMA.

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