Columbia High School PARCC Starts April 19; See Schedule, Opt-Out Info

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The following is information from CHS Principal Elizabeth Aaron regarding the PARCC test, which begins for high schoolers on April 19. 

Included as PDF documents below are the PARCC testing schedule, information on New Jersey State Graduation Requirements, and a letter from Ms. Aaron explaining the PARCC.

See more information about PARCC in the South Orange – Maplewood School District here, and schedule information for elementary and middle school students here.

Good afternoon, Columbia High School Families.

Attached please find three items from CHS – our PARCC schedule for April, a letter from me with important reminders about PARCC, and the New Jersey State Department of Education updated memo regarding benchmarks for graduation in New Jersey. Please keep them handy for reference over the next several weeks as we go into our April weeks of PARCC assessments in Grades 9-11.

Download (PDF, 112KB)

Download (PDF, 47KB)

Download (PDF, 171KB)

As my letter indicates, we believe that we have designed a testing schedule for CHS students that will minimize the loss of instructional time and allow for optimal testing settings for our students.

PARCC is certainly a whole-community effort, and we appreciate your support of our work with your children. As we begin to be able to use students’ assessment results from several years in a row, we anticipate that we may use PARCC results to inform practices and support all of our students to their full potential.

Please take some time to review my letter and the schedule to understand how it will work for your family and be in touch with any questions. Please direct questions to your students’ grade-level Assistant Principals:

Grade 9 Mr. Terry Woolard, x1016
Grade 10 Mr. Charles Ezell,, x1129
Grade 11 Ms. Cheryl Hewitt,

We thank you, as always, for your support of CHS and our work with your students.

Best regards,

Elizabeth Aaron

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