Millburn/SH American Legion Sponsors Millburn Students for Citizenship Training

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Photo: Satyen Gupta, Bill Keenan and Owen McCarthy (not pictured: Justin Blackman, Daniel S. Stern)

Photo: Satyen Gupta, Bill Keenan and Owen McCarthy
(not pictured: Justin Blackman, Daniel S. Stern)

From the Millburn Public Schools:

Four Millburn High School rising seniors, Justin Blackman, Satyen Gupta, Owen McCarthy and Daniel S. Stern, were sponsored by the Millburn Short Hills Chapter of the American Legion to attend the 70th session of the American Legion Jersey Boys State Program held at Rider University from June 21-26 2015. Gupta and McCarthy and Stern were among the 1,000 delegates attending this annual program. Blackman was unable to attend.  Jersey Boys’ State is a mythical fifty-first state organized and administered for citizenship training purposes under the auspices of The American Legion, Department of New Jersey.

According to the American Legion, “Boys’ State strives to educate our youth in the duties privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship.” It has been called, “A Week that Shapes The Future.”  The mission of Boys’ State is “To develop good citizens in the United States of America by inspiring the youth of New Jersey to take a more active and intelligent interest in the operation of our State and Nation and in the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship and to understand the sacrifices made by our Veterans to preserve our nation and way of life.”

During the weeklong program participants elect leaders to govern the 51st state and learn how a state government operates. A newspaper is published and seminars are held with leaders in career and government fields. A college fair attended by over 75 colleges and universities is offered, along with outstanding speakers and intramural activities. This year it is anticipated that 1,000 delegates from around the state participate.

Bill Keenan, Post Commander of the Millburn-Short Hills Guy R. Bosworth American Legion Post, met the students recently at Millburn High School to send them off with pride on their weeklong adventure of a lifetime.

More information about Boys State can be found at their website:

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