Women and girls from Short Hills, Millburn, South Orange, Maplewood and Edison, N.J., came together to make some noise, get in shape and support neighbors in need as Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel hosted its second annual POUND for a Purpose fitness fundraiser.
The class supported the work of Girls Helping Girls. Period., a project founded in 2014 by South Orange residents and TSTI members Emma and Quinn Joy (pictured) and their mother, Elise. POUND instructors Dionne Scott of Maplewood (far right, rear) and Amanda Hugelmeyer of West Orange (far right, front) led a cardio workout that combined weighted drum sticks with a fast-paced dance routine. In exchange, participants donated cash and dozens of boxes of feminine hygiene products which the teens will distribute to area women and girls who cannot otherwise afford them.
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel, located at 432 Scotland Road, is a vibrant Reform congregation that offers Early Childhood Education, Religious School, teen programs, lifelong learning for adults and a full complement of religious services and cultural programs each month. TSTI serves member families from Maplewood, the Oranges, Livingston, Millburn, Short Hills and surrounding areas. For more information, visit www.tsti.org.