CBS2: South Orange, Maplewood Girl Scouts Explain Why They are Thankful

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Members of South Orange, Maplewood Girl Scout Troop 20245 were featured on a CBS2 segment on Wednesday, Nov. 25, about “What Kids Are Thankful For.”

See the report here.

The girls —comprised of 12 fourth-grade girls, all of whom attend Jefferson Elementary School — were interviewed by reporter Cindy Hsu. The girls recently completed a month-long service project, collecting more than 4,000 travel-size toiletries and assembling over 230 kits for Bridges Outreach, a Summit-based nonprofit that provides food, clothing and basic necessities to thousands of homeless people in New York City, Newark and Irvington, New Jersey.

Sarah Walters, an executive producer with the network and local resident, saw the troop’s social media posts on the Swap/Meet SOMA ISO In Search Of Facebook page and contacted troop leaders. The girls were filmed assembling the kits and were interviewed for the story.

The girls expressed thanks for everything from pie, to their teachers, to books, to their pets. There was a theme to their thanks, however, perhaps highlighted by their project; “freedom, family, shelter and food,” said one girl scout. Another said, “Freedom, because some people don’t have that and I understand why that’s important.”  Hsu called the girls “wise beyond their years.”


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