South Orange Community Police Collaborative Civilian Members Condemn Anti-Police Vandalism

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From Bobby Brown, Chair of the South Orange Community Police Collaborative (CPC) and behalf of the civilian members of the CPC:

The civilian members of the Community Police Collaborative support the right of all groups to protest and have been heartened to see (and to join) so many protests locally in the wake of the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. But we strongly disagree with the tactics used by protesters recently at the homes of Maplewood township committee members. We were also disappointed to see Chief [Kyle] Kroll singled out in this way. We have been impressed by the Chief’s willingness to learn and his commitment to the community, and thank him for his recent actions, including his condemnation of the murder of George Floyd and his ban on the thin blue line insignia from the uniforms of SOPD officers. We welcome and encourage all those wishing to effect change through respectful dialogue and hard work to join our monthly public meetings (details of which are posted in the Village calendar).

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