Frank McGehee Wins Seat on Maplewood Township Committee

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Frank McGehee, Democrat, has won his race for a three-year term on the five-person Maplewood Township Committee, defeating Republican Mike Summersgill.

With 90.48% of the vote in, McGehee led with 7,171 votes (81%) to Summersgill’s 1,723 votes (19%).

And Facebook, Summersgill quickly and graciously congratulated his opponent, writing, “Congratulations Frank McGehee I enjoyed the campaign and wish you (and our town) the best.”

On Wednesday, McGehee offered this statement:

“Thank you fellow Maplewoodians for your support! I look forward to working with you and with fellow Township Committee members. Together we will help make this great community continue to thrive. Special thank you to my family, particularly my wife and daughter, for their love and support. A big thank you to my campaign team for their tireless energy, the MDC, other civic leaders and our volunteers for their time and commitment. Finally, congratulations and best wishes to Mike Summersgill for running a hard fought and respectable campaign.”

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