Blog: Preparing for the Spring Housing Market — Reduce the Clutter

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Preparing to sell your home for the spring market can be overwhelming; even thinking about it can be daunting. Where does one begin? During the month of February, I will share with you tips to help you prepare your home to list. Before you call the Realtor, go through your home and make a list to see what needs to be done. When you are ready to call the Realtor, they will have their professional recommendations to add to your list.

The office space in this West Orange home is tidy, and showcases items without being over-stuffed with books and knick knacks. (credit Robert Northfield).

The office space in this West Orange home is tidy, and showcases items without being over-stuffed with books and knick knacks. (credit Robert Northfield).

These staging tips can influence how a potential buyers sees the home. Time is always a factor. Some tasks can be done in five minutes, and of course there are bigger projects that may need professional service, but motivated sellers can accomplish these tasks.



Spending considerable time in the house during the winter months? Reduce your clutter. This task may take the entire month, but there are ways to make the decluttering process less hectic. Make piles or place post-it notes on items labeling Store, Donate, Toss.  The items collected throughout your home did not accumulate overnight, nor will this process take one day. So carve out time. Go room by room. Have a bag in hand for those items that can definitely be tossed.

For example, do you need all those old magazines collecting dust in the corner, you know the ones you want to read, but just can’t get to it? If you are really attached to them, remember many magazines have online subscriptions. Recycling the magazines are a beneficial option that also helps the environment.

Store trophies, knick knacks, kitchenware that are seldom used. Do not be offended if a sales associate suggests you put your collection of crystal away. One or two pieces displayed can be very effective.

We all have clothing that we can donate, and some can actually be used as rags to clean.

You may even be motivated to have a spring garage sale with the items from the donate pile. Whatever items are left, take them to Good Will or The Salvation Army.

Once you are done with decluttering, maintaining the home will be easier. A tidy, clean house will make your home more appealing to the potential buyer.

Robert Northfield is a top real estate expert in the Maplewood, Milburn, South Orange, West Orange areas and surrounding towns at KW Midtown Direct.




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