What CHS Students, Parents Need to Know Before School Starts

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There are only a few days left before summer ends and school begins for the roughly 1,900 students at Columbia High School. The first day of school for 9th graders is Thursday, Sept. 3. Students in grades 10 through 12 report to school on Friday, Sept. 4.

Check out the new CHS website, from the HSA. Bookmark it so you are always in the know.

Here’s a link to the school calendar and the student handbook, which has information on curriculum, schedules and important phone numbers.

Interested in school athletics? Find out more here.

Save the Date: Back to school night is Thursday, October 1.

Students in 10th-12th grades must print out a copy of their official school schedules (which can be accessed on PowerSchool) and bring it to school the first day. Ninth graders will receive their schedules on the first day of school.

Here is important information from Director of Guidance Jennifer Giordano and Principal Elizabeth Aaron on school schedules and how to access PowerSchool.

  • The Power School Parent Portal is open and final schedules are available to view. 9th graders will get their schedules at school on their first day, Thursday. All other students’ schedules are also live in Powerschool. Any students in Grades 10-12 who need to get a paper copy of their schedule may do so Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday mornings between 8:30-10:30 or from 1-3 in the afternoon in the guidance department from Ms. Goldsmith.
  • If you need help with logging into the Parent Portal of Powerschool, where you can keep an eye on your students’ grades, attendance, and progress at CHS, please email Mrs. Voorhees [email protected]. While she can answer questions over the phone, she can only provide log-in access through an email exchange.
  • We will not be distributing paper copies of schedules. Schedules are being shared ELECTRONICALLY. Please print out your schedule and bring it with you on the first day of school. If you are unable to print your schedule, Ms. Goldsmith, guidance secretary, will be available to assist you. Students unable to print their schedule should visit the guidance office on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, (8/31, 9/1, or 9/2) from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. to obtain a paper copy.
  • Students interested in signing up for an independent study should see Ms. Goldsmith in the guidance office between Tuesday, Sept. 8 and Friday, Sept. 11. Sign up forms should be signed and returned to her no later than 3:30 on the 11th.
  • SCHEDULE CHANGES: All changes that were possible within the limitations of the master schedule have been made. Should you find that your final schedule has an error, such as a duplicate class, a missing class period, or a class you have already taken, please email your assigned guidance counselor and they will address the correction.
  • 9th grade students (Cougar Cubs!) will begin their year on Thursday, September 3rd at 8:00 am in the Auditorium.
    All 10th -12th graders will report to CHS on Friday, September 4th.
    Reporting time is 7:20am for Period 1 and 8:15am for Period 2.
    Please remember that only our main front door is used for morning bell entry.


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