Collum & DeLuca to Moderate SOMa Board of Ed Candidates Forum Sept 13

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The South Orange-Maplewood Cares About Schools group is hosting its inaugural Board of Education Candidates Debate on September 13 at 7:00 p.m. at The Baird Center in South Orange.

The debate will be co-moderated by South Orange Village President Sheena Collum and Maplewood Mayor Vic DeLuca and will be broadcast live on the South Orange-Maplewood Cares About Schools Facebook Page.

According to organizers, this debate will differ from other candidates forums in that South Orange-Maplewood Cares About Schools will be inviting the public to compile the questions that will be asked through its Facebook group using a Google form (click here for the questionnaire).

“The responses will be shared with the moderators, who will then choose which questions to ask the candidates. No personal attacks will be allowed and questions have to be answerable by all candidates. The candidates will not be getting the questions in advance,” read a posting on the event page

The format of the debate will be as followed:

  • Each candidate will have 1-½ minutes for a previously prepared opening statement/ introduction.
  • Candidates will get 2 minutes each to answer debate questions.
  • There will be brief period left at the end of the debate for a few questions from the audience and from Facebook Live viewers.
  • The debate will end with each candidate having 1-½ minutes for a previously prepared closing statement.

Five candidates — including two incumbents — are running for three seats on the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education.

Election day is November 8.

Running are incumbents Johanna L. Wright and  Stephanie M. Lawson-Muhammad and challengers Anthony Mazzocchi, Susie S. Adamson and James Henry Davis III (Davis is running with Lawson-Muhammad).

For more information about the September 13 debate and to access the Google form, visit the Facebook event page here:

To submit questions for the debate, click here.

Related coverage:

5 Candidates File to Run for 3 Spots on South Orange-Maplewood Board of Ed

S. Orange – Maplewood BOE Candidates Statement: Lawson-Muhammad and Davis

South Orange – Maplewood BOE Candidate Statement: Susie Adamson

Mazzocchi to Run for South Orange – Maplewood Board of Ed

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