Community Conversations with SOMSD Superintendent Continue in New Year


The next two Community Conversations with Superintendent Jason Bing will take place on February 6 and 25. (Bing will also be meeting residents at the Hilton Neighborhood Association meeting on Jan. 16.)

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In an effort to open the lines of communication and give people more opportunities to discuss issues regarding the school district, South Orange-Maplewood Superintendent Jason Bing has been hosting “Community Conversations with Superintendent Bing” at different locations, starting last fall.

Bing has hosted two conversations so far: one at The Baird in South Orange and one at DeHart Community Center in Maplewood. The next one will be at Maplewood Town Hall on February 6, and the one after that will be back at The Baird on February 25. Both will take place from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

At each conversation, Bing is accompanied by representatives from the Board of Education to provide the Board’s perspective on topics as well.

There are two scheduled Community Conversations with Superintendent Bing in February. (Photo by Laura Griffin)


According to an announcement on the district’s website, Bing and whichever board members attend with him “will be present to learn the community’s needs, ideas, and suggestions for the future. These sessions represent valuable opportunities for community engagement and dialogue.”

At the December 12 Community Conversation, Bing was accompanied by Communications Director Eshaya Draper and then-board members Kaitlin Wittleder and Will Meyer. (Wittleder’s term is now over; Meyer is now 1st vice president of the Board.)

Topics brought up at that conversation were transportation, a new long-term facilities plan the district is working on, the district’s improvements to communications, and the upcoming launch of its new website. Community members also let the district know of some other concerns, including ensuring that students in summer school get a snack and providing a space for transgender students at South Orange Middle School to change in the locker rooms.

Correction: This story originally identified Will Meyer as 2nd vice president of the Board of Education; he is 1st vice president.

UPDATE: Bing is also appearing at the January 16 Hilton Neighborhood Association meeting:

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