Letter: Sabin Endorses Sabin & Maini for South Orange-Maplewood Board of Ed

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Letter to the Editor:

I am writing to urge a vote for Chris Sabin for school board in the upcoming November 3 election. I have known Chris my entire life…literally, because he is my older brother!

Our schools have numerous accomplishments to celebrate but also many challenges that lie ahead. I believe Chris is someone who can help us meet those challenges as a member of the Board of Education.

As a child, Chris was always determined to do well, in whatever he was doing. Whether he was trying to get his match box cars to make a complete loop, playing freeze tag between back yards with neighborhood friends, getting in a pick-up game of basketball at Memorial Park or dropping his science project egg off of the roof of Columbia High School, Chris always wanted to succeed. He also wanted those around him to succeed.

As a product of the South Orange and Maplewood School District and as a committed and actively involved parent of three children in the district, Chris has a vested interest in the academic, social, artistic and athletic success of not only his children, but all children in the district. He is passionate and concerned about the future achievements of our students, families and communities. He believes in all possibilities for all kids.

Chris observed how tirelessly our mom carried out her responsibilities to both the students and to the community as a member and as President of the Board of Education in the late 1980s. He knows how much time and commitment it takes and is excited about having the opportunity to occupy a seat on the Board of Education.

As a child, Chris had a knack for getting people together. That ability continued throughout his schooling and into his professional career. He knows how to get people engaged and enthusiastic about ideas and how to put ideas into motion to become tangible and attainable goals.

Most importantly, Chris knows how to actively listen to others. We know how important that is when you have to make important decisions on a variety of subjects. Chris will not sit still. He will be actively involved in making the best decisions for our students and for our district. Come out to vote and support Chris Sabin on November 3, along with his running mate, Annemarie Maini of South Orange. Together they will move mountains.

Leslie Sabin


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