South Orange BOT Introduces $2.5M Bond for Capital Improvements

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The South Orange Board of Trustees unanimously voted at its monthly meeting Monday night to move a bond ordinance which grants $2,575,000 for “jumpstarting” the improvement of roads, buildings and other municipal areas. The second hearing of the ordinance is scheduled for March 9. Trustee Sheena Collum was not present.

The bond would fund renovations and repairs to Village Hall, the Police Headquarters, the Baird Center and the Connett Building, among others; IT and communications systems; and the purchase of vehicles and equipment for the Department of Public Works, according to Village Administrator, Barry Lewis Jr.

The Board also voted unanimously, 5-0, to change the requirements for registering alarms in South Orange.

Due to previous inconveniences caused by weather, a number of presentations and readings of ordinances have been rescheduled to future dates. The second readings of ordinances regarding the rezoning of Orange Lawn and lines-of-sight at intersections have been moved to March 9. The presentation by Furry Hearts Rescue proposing a trap neuter release program in South Orange has been rescheduled to March 23.

Patrick Morrissy, founder of HANDS, Inc., was recognized as South Orange’s January Villager of the Month. Morrissy said the initial goal of HANDS, Housing and Neighborhood Development, was to “blur the border” between Orange and South Orange. According to their website, the organization focuses on improving the surrounding areas of Orange, making them better places for families.

Trustee Steve Schnall said that Morrissy’s work expands beyond South Orange and “sheds great light on our community.”

In other action, the Board approved:

  • The reappointment of Donald Rusty Reeves to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
  • A proposal, not exceeding $3,550, from Atkin Olshin Schade Architects for supplementary renovations to the Connett building.
  • The hiring of winter lacrosse program staff, assistant Clay Time teacher, winter ski program staff, crossing guards and Department of Recreation & Cultural Affairs office staff.

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