The Parenting Center and the South Orange – Maplewood School District elementary school PTAs present “M.L.K.: Amazing Grace,” in the Children’s Theater at Clinton Elementary School on Monday, January 12 at 7:30 p.m.
Admission is free to this family-friendly production.
This dramatic work, written and directed by Rochel Garner Coleman, casts four storytellers who, through the use of minor props and costume changes, become some of the famous and less-famous participants in the civil rights movement, according to a press release from the Parenting Center.
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Daddy King, Rosa Parks, Andy Young, and Sheyanne Webb, among others, come to life as they tell of their associations with Martin Luther King, Jr. Each story is taken from real life accounts with added research to give a background to this explosive time in United States History.
Clinton Elementary School is located at 27 Berkshire Rd. in Maplewood.