Got a Spare Bedroom? Maplewood Announces Shared Housing Program


“We see HomeSharing as a way to help our seniors age in place and not have to leave Maplewood because housing costs are too high and maintaining a home is too difficult.”

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In an effort to increase affordable housing options in an unaffordable market — particularly for senior citizens on fixed incomes — the Township of Maplewood is partnering with HomeSharing, Inc. to promote shared housing.

Maplewood is hosting an informational meeting in person at Maplewood Town Hall (574 Valley Street) and virtually on Zoom (see login information below) at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

“The home sharing idea came to me from Amy Stuart, Maplewood Coordinator of Two Towns for All Ages, and Joan Crystal, a member of Maplewood’s Senior Advisory Committee,” said Township Committee member Victor De Luca. “I brought it to the Affordable Housing Board, which saw it as a tool in our efforts to increase affordable housing opportunities. The Housing Board recommended to the Township Committee that the Township become the sponsor and work with HomeSharing, Inc. to bring the program to Maplewood. This Bridgewater, NJ non-profit’s mission is to create affordable housing solutions by matching those seeking housing with those who need additional income or services to maintain their homes, while fostering independence and dignity. There is no cost to the Township other than promotion.”

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De Luca explained that “some of Maplewood’s older residents are in larger homes and have space to take in a person looking for an affordable place to live. Our current boarder ordinances allow for this type of housing arrangement. The benefits to the homeowner are getting help around the house, enjoying companionship, and bringing in extra income to help with housing bills and taxes. The benefits to the home seeker are getting a place to live that is affordable and helping out an elderly person. There is no cost to the home provider or home seeker for this program. ”

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“We see HomeSharing as a way to help our seniors age in place and not have to leave Maplewood because housing costs are too high and maintaining a home is too difficult,” said De Luca.

The town has promoted the program and informational meeting by mailing post cards to “thousands of Maplewood residents, age 60 and over, with an invitation from Mayor Nancy Adams to attend the June 20th meeting, either in-person or virtually,” said De Luca. “We invite anyone to attend the information meeting, particularly someone who has a family member or neighbor that might avail themselves of this program.

“We know this is a new concept for our residents and it will take time to build a comfort level. Please come out on the 20th to learn more.”

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